Arduino and Processing Interact.


Intro: Arduino and Processing Interact.

Arduino, processing and ultrasonic sensors to make a pages turner. It makes us can turn pages by waving hand.Ultrasonic page tunner is used to turn page on the computer.It is consist of 3 ultrasonic sensors and an Arduino UNO. It can help you turn page by wave your hand in front of the ultrasonic sensor.

STEP 1: Materials

what you need:

Arduino Uno R3 x1;

ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 x3;

ProtoBoard 7cm * 10cm - 2.54mm x1;

330 ohm ressitor x3;

LED x3;

Some dupont lines;

STEP 2: Schematic

Connect the circiut on bread board and test the fountions.

STEP 3: Put the Pictures in Suitable Situation.

You must put some images (JPEG, GIF, or PNG) into the sketch’s data before you test the circuit.

STEP 4: Loading the Arduino Program and Processing to Test the Fountions

Here is the Arduino code:

copy and paste these code to Arduino IDE and load it to UNO

int slide = 0;
boolean left=false; boolean center=false; boolean right=false; int trignPin1=4; int trignPin2=7; int trignPin3=10; int echoPin1=3; int echoPin2=6; int echoPin3=9; int ledPin1=5; int ledPin2=8; int ledPin3=11; int maxD = 20; long int lastTouch = -1; // ms int resetAfter = 2000; // ms int afterSlideDelay = 50; //ms; all slides ignored after successful slide int afterSlideOppositeDelay = 500; // left slides ignored after successful right slide int SLIDELEFT_BEGIN = -1; // Motion was detected from right int SLIDELEFT_TO_CENTER = -2; // Motion was detected from right to center int SLIDENONE = 0; // No motion detected int SLIDERIGHT_BEGIN = 1; // Motion was detected from left int SLIDERIGHT_TO_CENTER = 2; // Motion was detected from left to center
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // bit/s
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  left = echo(trignPin1,echoPin1, ledPin1);
  center = echo(trignPin2,echoPin2, ledPin2);
  right = echo(trignPin3,echoPin3,ledPin3);
  if (left || center || right) { 
  if ((millis() - lastTouch)> resetAfter) { 
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);
    // Serial.println("Reset slide and timer. ");
  if (slide >= SLIDENONE) { // only if we are not already in opposite move 
    if ((left) && (!right)) 
      slide = SLIDERIGHT_BEGIN;
    if (center && (slide == SLIDERIGHT_BEGIN)) 
    if (right && (slide == SLIDERIGHT_TO_CENTER))
  if (slide <= SLIDENONE) {    
    if (right && (!left))
      slide = SLIDELEFT_BEGIN;
    if (center && slide == SLIDELEFT_BEGIN)
      slide = SLIDELEFT_TO_CENTER;
    if (left && slide == SLIDELEFT_TO_CENTER) {
boolean echo(int trignPin, int echoPin, int ledPin) 
  int d = getDistance(trignPin, echoPin); // cm 
  boolean pinActivated = false;
  if (d < maxD) {  
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    pinActivated = true;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    pinActivated = false;
  return pinActivated;
int getDistance(int trignPin,int echoPin)
  long duration, inches, cm;
  pinMode(trignPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(trignPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trignPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trignPin, LOW);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
  cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);  
  return(cm); // You could also return inches
void slideNow(char direction) {
  if ('R' == direction) 
  if ('L' == direction)
  digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH);
  slide = SLIDENONE;
long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds) {
  return microseconds / 74 / 2;
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) {
  return microseconds / 29 / 2;

Here is the processing code:
copy and paste these code to Processing IDE run when UNO connecting with computer.

import processing.serial.*;
int slideStep = 75; // how many pixels to slide in/out // The current image and the next image to display PImage currentImage, nextImage;
// The index of the current image.
int imgIndex = 0; 
// Keeps track of the horizontal slide position. A negative number
// indicates sliding in from the left.
int slideOffset; 
// All the image files found in this sketch’s data/ directory.
String[] fileList; 
// A serial port that we use to talk to Arduino.
Serial myPort;
// This class is used to filter the list of files in the data directory
// so that the list includes only images.
class FilterImages implements { 
  public boolean accept(File dir, String fname) {
    String[] extensions = {".png", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".tga", ".jpg"};
    // Don’t accept a file unless it has one of the specified extensions
    for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { 
      if (fname.toLowerCase().endsWith( extensions[i])) {
        return true;
    return false;
// This loads the filenames into the fileList
void loadFileNames() { dir = new""));
  fileList = dir.list(new FilterImages());
// The Processing setup method that’s run once
void setup() {
  size(displayWidth, displayHeight); // Go fullscreen
  loadFileNames();   // Load the filenames
  /* This centers images on the screen. To work correctly with
   this mode, we'll be using image coordinates from the center
   of the screen (1/2 of the screen height and width) .
  // Load the current image and resize it.
  currentImage = loadImage(dataPath("") + "\\" + fileList[0]); 
  currentImage.resize(0, height);
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); 
// Go to the next image
void advanceSlide() { 
  imgIndex++; // go to the next image
  if (imgIndex >= fileList.length) { // make sure we're within bounds
    imgIndex = 0;
  slideOffset = width; // Start sliding in from the right
void reverseSlide() {
  imgIndex--; // go to the previous image
  if (imgIndex < 0) { // make sure we're within bounds
    imgIndex = fileList.length - 1;
  slideOffset = width * - 1; // Start sliding in from the left
void draw() {
  // Put up a black background and display the current image.
  image(currentImage, width/2, height/2); 
  // Is the image supposed to be sliding?
  if (slideOffset != 0) { 
    // Load the next image at the specified offset.
    image(nextImage, slideOffset + width/2, height/2);
    if (slideOffset > 0) { // Slide from the right (next) 
      slideOffset -= slideStep;
      if (slideOffset < 0) {
        slideOffset = 0;
    if (slideOffset < 0) { // Slide from the left (previous)
      slideOffset += slideStep;
      if (slideOffset > 0) {
        slideOffset = 0;
    if (slideOffset == 0) { 
      currentImage = nextImage;
  else {
    // If we're not sliding, read the serial port.
    if (myPort.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = myPort.readChar();
      print(inByte); // Displays the character that was read
      if (inByte == 'F') { // Forward
      if (inByte == 'B') { // Backward
      // Load and resize the next image
      nextImage = loadImage(dataPath("") + "\\" + fileList[imgIndex]); 
      nextImage.resize(0, height);

STEP 5: Design and Assemble the Shape

My design is not looking so good. I will design a better shape next time.
Made by Xie weifang from