Art Projects to Do With Your KidsBy Sam DeRose in CraftArt2,10415Favorite Making art with your kids is a fun way to spend family time. Check out these cool art projects you can do with your kids! Making art with your kids is a fun way to spend family time. Check out these cool art projects you can do with your kids! Crayon Melting Artby floppyty in ArtPaint a Tree Muralby woowho in KidsHow to Make One Tasty Snowman (not to Eat)by DoubleDutchery in KidsHow to Make a Cardboard Mini-Castle!by SnarflesTheWolf in KidsHow to Make Candles Out of Old Crayons!by GummiBear in ArtSquare Sugru Snowman Christmas Ornamentby depotdevoid in ChristmasPapercraft Flowers (Easy)by poofrabbit in PaperCrayon Desk Objectby lemonie in ArtReUse ReMake Crayonsby SomArtMama in KidsYoda Papercraft Easy (2-D)by poofrabbit in PaperLil Picasso Kit-El Kit De El Joven Mr.Sanchez in WoodworkingPistachio Flowerby Bio plant in Clay