Introduction: Automate Your Whole Room With Google Home + Arduino, NodeMCU and Ubidots

About: I'am an Electronics student that really enjoy making new things from garbage, and DIY projects. I am here to share my knowledge with you, and learn with you too.

Hi everyone, here i am to show you a project i did.

It's about to control and automate your room with arduino and nodemcu with an IoT platform that i begin using months ago and i think is amazing so here i am sharing with you my experience.

With this project we are going to be able to control our ceiling fan, windows courtains, led strips, audio inputs and outputs, bluetooth speaker, ceiling light bulb and on.

Step 1: Materials You Will Need:

Step 2: Code, Diagram, and Libraries:

Download everything here:

Step 3: Set Up Your Ubidots IoT Account:

Here is the link to Ubidots:

Step 4: IFTTT Setup:

You just need to create an IFTTT account, create as much applets as you want and need and let it be.

In my Youtube video i show you step by step how to do it:

Step 5: Test It:

Just say the command to your google assitant and everything will start happening.