Introduction: Automatic Lighting Box With a Timer on Battery

I propose a simple lighting scheme of the kitchen drawer to turn off the timer. The backlight is switched on for 15 seconds. (that's enough for me)

Step 1: You See a Box With Light and Without


I propose a simple lighting scheme of the kitchen drawer to turn off the timer. The backlight is switched on for 15 seconds. (that's enough for me)

Step 2: We Need:

  • Magnetic contact 3 pins
  • Magnet D15H4
  • Transistor IRF840 (It can be any n-MOS transistor)
  • Resistor 500 Ohm
  • Resistor 300 Ohm (you can not put)
  • Resistor 20 Ohm (to reduce current LED strip - you can not put)
  • The capacitor 16c 22mkf
  • 25cm LED strip
  • 8pcs AA batteries (rechargeable batteries can not be used - high self-discharge)
  • 1 m double wire.

Step 3: The Scheme Is Very Simple

Step 4: How Does the Magnetic Contact

As I approached a magnet contact switches

Step 5: Solder the Resistor to the Transistor

Step 6: Solder the Remaining Parts of the Scheme

Step 7: Solder the Wires to the LED Strip and Connect to the Timer

Step 8: Assemble Battery Pack

Step 9: Test Duration and Current

Step 10: Set in Place and Glue LED Strip

Step 11: And Put a Magnet in Front of the Magnetic Contacts

Step 12: You Can See the Result.

With and without illumination.

More details you can see on the video.

Thank you for attention.