BMP280 Barometric Pressure Sensor


Intro: BMP280 Barometric Pressure Sensor

The BMP280 is a small sensor that measures Barometric Pressure (the weight of the air), temperature, and as a result elevation as well. I became interested in this sensor to measure the elevation of a model rocket at it's peak, but can also be used for weather sensing, or even predicting optimal fish biting times!

The BMP280 is fairly easy to setup and use, is very cheap, and impressively accurate (±1 hPa).

STEP 1: Parts

For this setup you will need the following:


Arduino Uno or one of its variants

Male to Female Jumper Wires

STEP 2: Wiring

In this example connect the following BMP280 pins to the Arduino respectively, VCC to 3.3V, GND to GND, SCL to A5, and SDA to A4.

STEP 3: Libraries

Before we get to the actual code you will need to install the following libraries:

Once the libraries are downloaded, place them in the Arduino>Libraries folder. Go to the Adafruit_BMP_280 library folder and open Adafruit_BMP280.h using notepad. Find the I2C address and change it to 0x76 (see photo). Save and close.

STEP 4: Sketch

Download and upload the attached sketch. Use the serial monitor to see what your new sensor is picking up. To use this in future projects, consider utilizing a Data Logging Shield to record your findings remotely.


I use a Arduino UNO R3 Rev3 with a the bmp , but it will not succeed.

I changed 0 x 77 in 0 x 76 ---> i see nothing in the serial moniter and get error 'port bussy"
I changed IC2 in Adafruit_BMP280.h and get still errors

I use port COM3 and chech of course the wires.
Does somebody have tips>?


wired everything up as per the instructions.

loaded the libraries...

Changed the address to 0x76...

And nothing!.......

I keep getting the check wiring message?

Just connected it like this Instructable and everything just works fine for me.
(used a Arduino Pro Micro with USB here btw)

Which arduino, and which ports on the arduino are you using?
Does the I2C scanners finds your BMP280 at 0x76?
(don't forget to change I2C in: Adafruit_BMP280.h)

Are you using the Serial Monitor from Arduino IDE on the correct COM port and baud rate?

I also ran the scanner software to find the bmp's address....0x76

Thanks! This is a great help! Do you have experience with RF arduino projects? I have multiple RF modules, but I don't manage to successfully let one work! I have: LoRa1278, NRF24L01 and MCIGICM 433MHz.

I have different projects running, but I get stuck every time I need the RF modules.

I havent tried any RF Modules yet, but I hope to soon. Im in the middle of a few woodworking projects at the moment. An RF locking cabinet might be a good project for me to take on. If I do I'll make sure to post the instructable.

Good luck with it! Looking forward to your instructable!