

Intro: BabyGuarder

Intel IoT Roadshow in Korea

Because Social safety accidents occur frequently and safety frigidity increase, the our project was effort to protect baby.

the our project's target was the parents that nourish the child with 0~3 age years old.

STEP 1: Software and Hardware's Description.

we used the edison board that is small computer and each censor(Button,LED,Buzzer,Rotary Angle Sensor, Sound Sensor, Light Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Relay, Servo, RGB Backlight LCD) .

we have one-side-Communication with server and mobile phone using the wi-fi in Arduino Development Environment.

Software - Android, Arduino, Eclipse(for Android, for Server), Tadpole(DBHub)

Hardware - 64bit Computer The Dev kit - Button,LED,Buzzer,Rotary Angle Sensor, Sound Sensor, Light Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Relay, Servo, RGB Backlight LCD

STEP 2: Video-android App

STEP 3: Dev-kit Description

Button - If baby turn over, the parent's phone alarm in message ,this used as the used sensor

Sound Sensor - If baby cry, the parents perceive the crying baby

Buzzer - If baby cry,the Buzzer play cradlesong.

Temperature Sensor - If baby increase temperature or baby decrease temperature, the parent's phone alarm

Light Sensor - If baby receive intense light, the parent's phone alarm

LED - danger alarm

Relay - connected the LED alarm

RGB Backlight LCD - only used the project's title

thank you!


It looks like you used a lot of the sensors available for the Edison board. Your 'ible is a little unclear as to how you are using it to protect a baby.

thank you very much!. feedback!

add the description!