Ballistic Gel


Intro: Ballistic Gel

How do you accurately test the affect that ballistics have on a flesh like substance?

One answer to the problem is to create ballistic gel, which mimics human flesh. Another solution is to use a dead pig as their bodies are similar to humans for testing purposes. Ballistic gel is the more practical solution.

Process for original ballistics gel came from:
We then altered as we saw fit and used our finished product in our own way.

STEP 1: Ingredients & Setup

Start making ballistics gel by getting some knox gelatin mix as shown in the first image. You will need an 8 oz. of water per 1 oz. of powder. For any kind of practical purposes and a good starting batch I would recommend mixing 8 oz. of powder with 2 quarts of water (64 oz.). The second image shows the powder in plastic bowl. I recommend that you put the water in the container of your choice before the powder. If you do not put the water in first you will get many more lumps of powder in it.

STEP 2: Mix It Up & Chill It Out!

Once the gelatin has been added to the water you must mix it with one of your hands. Break up some of the clumps of gelatin with your fingers to make sure you get a good mixture. You then put your new concoction in the refrigerator to chill and hydrate.

STEP 3: Melt It Down

Once chilled and hydrated, the gelatin needs to be melted down. Setting the gelatin over a pan of water will suffice. While the gelatin is melting it should also be stirred properly to reduce the amount of air getting trapped in the gelatin.

STEP 4: Mold & Chill

A mold of any kind can be used. Simply spray your container cooking spray or other non-stick solution. After setting the gelatin in a mold simply chill for thirty-six hours.

STEP 5: Completion!

After chilling you have officially completed making ballistics gel. Our purpose was to use the gel for a bullet test but I am sure there are many uses others can think of!


Easy project for kids too. The waiting is the worse! Kids had a blast shooting with bb guns then stabbing it to shreds afterwards. I collected all the pieces, re-melted and used it again
can i pour it in a cardboard cylinder
I wonder if this would work in a waterbed. This stuff is very useful!!
it would mold so maybe if you mixed in some chemicals like or maybe made it with collidial copper or silver but I would use like bleach if that was the intended purpose or very high salt content water
lol, when i see this stuff, i think, bad breast implants.... maybe thats me, but I don't know what I would use mine for, maybe a punching bag..
thinking about sex, the RealDoll uses silicon, maybe ballistic gel can do the work.
it would melt at body temp so no think tpe
or in other words shred up a pop bottle boil n mineral oil for 4 hours will make a kinda rubber
Well, since you mentioned sex, Don't keep it around for too long. I had some gelatin made thick like this which I made a mold out of ( for casting) after it sat around for a couple months in a plastic container, it went back to liquid and smelled exactly like a used rubber that got lost under the bed for a couple weeks. Yummy!!!
It will melt at body or even room temperature. When used in a ballistics test it is always used cold, as per Myth Busters.
mine didnt melt i shot it like 5 times at like 100 degrees
LOL ahh mythbusters. you just gotta love that show

I have little lego person ice cube trays. :)

melt as in using double broiler? or adding water?
double boiler. as i commented somewhere before if you add water it wont be thick enough and if you dont use a double boiler you will scorch the gelatin.
Does this mixture degrade in the same way jello does with exposure to heat or moisture ? Would it hold up in room temperature for an extended period of time like in a sculpture ?
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