Bangers & Mash With Mexican Gravy


Intro: Bangers & Mash With Mexican Gravy

This is my first Instructable. In it, I will show you how to make Bangers & Mash with Mexican gravy.

STEP 1: Sausage

We start with the sausage, as it will take longer to prepare. The sausage can be browned by either frying or grilling. Grilling is the healthier option, but if a grill is not available to you, then an air fryer will also get the job done. Be sure to perforate the sausages with a fork so they don’t explode while you are browning them.

STEP 2: Potatoes

While the mashed potatoes can be made the old fashioned way by cutting up the potatoes and smashing them, getting the instant kind is much faster. Simply put the granulated potato flakes into the dry measuring cup, and some milk/water into the liquid measuring cup. The box will tell you the right amount. Pour both of them into a saucepan, stirring regularly until you get the right texture.

STEP 3: Gravy

To make Mexican Gravy, start by emptying the McCormack gravy packet into a saucepan with the specified amount of water. Then add two tablespoons of chili powder, 2 teaspoons of onion powder, and 1 teaspoon of Mexican oregano. You will be using a smaller pan for this, so a serving spoon should probably be sufficient to stir the mixture.

STEP 4: Putting It All Together

•Place the mashed potatoes on the plate first.

•Place the sausage on top of the potatoes.

•Pour gravy on top of the combination.

Repeat this process for subsequent servings, and enjoy!