Barbarian King Keychains


Intro: Barbarian King Keychains

A project I did in Mechanical Drawing of the Barbarian King from Clash of Clans

STEP 1: Materials

3mm Baltic Birch Wood

Computer with Auto Cad 2016 and Corel Draw Program

CO2 40 W Laser

Keychain ring

Optional: sand paper

STEP 2: Download This

You need Auto Cad 2016 for this.

STEP 3: Upload

Save the drawing as a "dxf" and upload it in the Corel Draw.

The red lines is for the engraving and the white lines should be set to cuts all the way through.

STEP 4: Final

You should have something that look like this once you have laser it out using the Corel Draw.

Optional: You can sand it with sand paper to rid of the burn marks to make it looks nice.

Add a keychain ring to it and you got yourself a Barbarian King Keychains.


haha awesome!