Basketball Hoop With Stand


Intro: Basketball Hoop With Stand

I took a backboard that I found on Instructables and added a stand of my own design. With the stand, it can be used in the living room or the backyard. Have fun building!

STEP 1: Build the Backboard

Use the Instructable "Mini Basketball Arcade Game" and build the backboard only.

STEP 2: Build the Stand

Check out the detailed pictures for how it goes together.

STEP 3: Attach the Backboard to the Stand and Play!

Attach the red rods to the white and grey connectors. A tennis ball works really well.


Good try for you first time.

TIP: You can try to put your building on a wall, and connect it. So don't fell it down.

Happy building!

thanks, and I need followers so I can want to make more instructables!!!!!

thanks,and I will follow u

thats why i made the rods on the bottom of the stand!

thanks so much! Your ball machines are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know,this is my first instractable,and its made for light-weight balls.

This is cool. Thanks for sharing!