Be Girly


Intro: Be Girly

Most of us wonder how to be girly. This instructable will show you how to be girly.

STEP 1: Do Your Hair

Curl or straighten your hair. Or even try a new hair style such as a fishtail braid or a braided crown. I will post some instructables on those later.

STEP 2: Put on Lipgloss

Put on some lipgloss or lipstick. I prefer lipgloss because lipstick makes my lips dry.

STEP 3: Add Some Cute Accessories

Accessories can be anything from a beanie to a necklace to a ring. Just find something that suits your personality.

STEP 4: Play With Your Pets

Just because your girly doesn't mean you can't be afraid to play with your pets! Most of the time the most girly people spend a lot of time with their pets. Also don't be afraid to get alittle dirty!

STEP 5: Be You

Just remember that no matter how girly u want to be you still need to be you! Theirs only one you in the world! Just be yourself, everyone else is taken.

STEP 6: Done!

Don't forget to follow and like!


Nice! I have a guinea pig too!
one of the cutest faces here...great