Introduction: Beaded Barefoot Sandals

Beautiful beaded barefoot sandals.

Perfect accessory for the beach!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies!

  • Stretch cord
  • Seed beads, assorted beads
  • Scissors
  • Crimper or flat-nose pliers
  • Clasps or crimp tubes

Step 2: Let's Get Started!

  1. Measure a piece of stretch cord. I put the string around my second toe and crisscross it while holding it up behind my ankle. Make sure to add a few extra inches for the tying at the end.
  2. String on your seed beads and make a loop. The amount of beads depends on how you want the loop (ring) to fit on you. You don't want the ring to be too snug.
  3. Once you have your loop, string both ends of the string into the last seed bead. (create the ring)
  4. The fun part.....Get creative!
  5. Finishing the sandals. There's many different ways to finish them. You can secure them with clasps, knot the string with some glue or you can use a crimp tube.

Enjoy! Now go out and rock your new accessory! ;)