Introduction: Beats By: Dylan A. & Christian M. (DIY Headphones)

  1. Get 4-5ft of insulated coil wire.
  2. Get a glue stick.
  3. Cut the coil wire with wire cutters or scissors.
  4. Put tape on glue stick.. Sticky side up.
  5. Start wrapping coil( None overlapping each other).
  6. Wrap 30 coils.
  7. Slide it off carefully.
  8. Have two ends of the coil.
  9. To connect wires you must twist them together.
  10. Use sandpaper to sand both the ends of the coil.
  11. Get two magnets and put them between your diaphragm. (One on the bottom and top)
  12. Place the coil wire on top the the magnet.
  13. Get two pieces of electrical tape and place them on top of the coil wire and magnets.
  14. Get an aux cable.
  15. Get the two ends of the wires and tie them around the aux cable tightly.
  16. Plug the aux cable into any music playing device. (Phone/iPod)
  17. Play music.
  18. You’re done.
  19. If sound is not heard… Try sanding the wires more or add more coils.

Step 1: The Materials

  1. Plastic cup
  2. Sand paper
  3. Coil wire
  4. 2 neodymium magnets
  5. Electric Tape
  6. Aux cable
  7. Music playing device that you can plug aux cable into.
  8. Wire Cutters
  9. Glue Stick
  10. If you have troubles on where to purchase these materials.. You can buy them at (Fry's Electronics)

Step 2: Summary

1. In the production of music, there is always a speaker to hear that sound. The 3 main components in making a speaker are the voice coil, the magnets, and any kind of diaphragm. The voice coil is important because that is where the vibration of the sound goes into and then it produces that sound out and into our ears. The magnets are important because it produces a magnetic field to help the sound go out of the speaker. The last component is the diaphragm, that is important to a speaker because it amplifies vibration to push the sound waves in more directions.

2. From our prototyping, our hypothesis was that the more coils we do the more sound will be produced and the louder it will be. We tested 20, but the sound from that was very low and we couldn't hear sound. After that, we used 30 coil and that produced the most sound fro our headphones. So, our hypothesis was correct, the more coils we make the louder the sound will be.