Beautiful and Ecological, Cardboard Laptop Case


Intro: Beautiful and Ecological, Cardboard Laptop Case

another laptop case? Yes - wen I make my firs Instructable this idea come in my mind. Fist is a very cheap and simple case, how everybody can make, but I don`t put accent to design
This is a more elaborate design solution, but I maintains green materials (98%) for a cheap and ecological solution.
Probable, at this dimension, can fit 2 OLPC, but I make for an 15,4" laptop (I don`t have one OLPC to measure and try) .

Is a perfect case for any laptop: low cost, shock-absorption, relatively easy to make, reusable, biodegradable, and have a beautiful design

RO version:

alta carcasa de laptop? Da, ideea mi-a venit cand am facut prima carcasa, pe care am incercat sa o fac cat mai simpla si ieftina, astfel incat sa si-o poata permite oricine, sau sa o poata prelua o fabrica care sa o faca pentru laptopurile ieftine gen OLPC.
Noua versiune este cu un design mai elaborat, dar am incercat sa mentin utilizarea de materiale ecologice (98% - are 8 suruburi de metal), si sa obtin un produs ieftin si relativ usor de realizat.
Probabil, ca la dimensiunile la care am facut eu geanta (testat cu un HP de 15.4"), incap 2 OLPC-uri, dar n-am avut un OLPC ca sa-l masor :)

Consider ca este o geanta foarta buna pentru un laptop (totusi perfectabila): pret mic, foarte buna protectie la socuri, relativ usor de realizat, din materiale reciclabile, si (zic eu) cu un design deosebit.


First you make design (I use Inkscape software- is free), and in this step you can establish design : I make a "swellings - pocket" for AC adapter, cable and numerical keypad.

After this be sure you have all materials and tools:
- 1 piece of 3,5mm corrugated cardboard (1600x560mm), or more small pieces , but quite hight to not cut components'
- 2 piece of 6mm corrugated cardboard (1600x560mm), or more small pieces ... - " -
- 1 piece of 3mm plywood (70x48mm)
- 1 piece of hemp tape (1500x60mm)
- 8 screws (4x80mm)

- cutter (if you have patience and time ), or a laser cut machine (eeeeee..... wonderful Epilog ;) )
- wood/paper glue, transparent after dry,
- boring mill and 3,5mm wimble/drill
- drafting ruler
- pencil

And, of corse .... passion.

All my images is before dry glue - I hurried to participate to contest :)

RO version:

Pentru inceput am facut schita (in Inkscape - este un program gratuit), si in aceasta faza puteti face si eventualele modificari de forma, sau adauga diverse accesorii (locasuri pentru memorystick, tel mobil, etc.) - eu i-am facut un "buzunar" pentru alimentator si mini-tastatura numerica..

Inainte de a va apuca de treaba, asigurativa ca aveti toate materialele si sculele necesare:

- 1 bucata carton ondulat de 3,5mm grosime (1600x560mm), sau bucati mai mici, dar in care sa incapa piesele de decupat,
- 2 bucati de carton ondulat de 6mm grosime (1600x560mm), sau bucati mai mici ... - " -
- 1 bucata de placaj sau placa lemn groasa de 3mm (70x48mm) - pentru balamale si prinderea panglicii suport,
- 1 bucata panglica canepa (1500x60mm)~- am gasit in magazinele de bricolaj,
- 8 suruburi (4x80mm), la 2 se vor taia capetele (pt. balamale)

- cutter (daca averi rabdare si timp) , sau un echipament laser (eeee... ce bun ar fi un Epilog ;) )
- clei de hartie/lemn, care devine transparent dupa uscare
- masina de gaurit si burghiu de 3,5mm
- rigla, creion, radiera

Si bineinteles - multa pasiune si placerea de a face asa ceva.

Imaginile puse de mine sunt inainte de a se usca cleiul - intre timp a devenit transparent :) - m-am grabit sa-l inscriu in concurs.

STEP 2: Cutting Pieces

Now, you can print project on paper, ant transfer to cardboard (put over -fix with clear tape, or use carbon paper).
After cut sort separately pieces for cover, and for the bottom, and put in order to glue easy.

RO version:
Acum puteti tipari schita pe hartie si s-o transferati pe carton (o prindeti cu scotch si taiati peste, sau folositi indigo).
Dupa taiere separati piesele pentru partea de jos si cele pentru capac, si puneti-le in ordine pentru a fi usor de lipit.

STEP 3: Glue Parts

First I glue bottom pieces: I fix betwen 3plates of granite (or 3 big books) - can`t move from mistake.
First I put 2 uncut parts (side part), and then I glue every piece and press.
And again, and again...

Eu am lipit intai piesele pentru parte de jos: Ca sa iasa drepte le-am fixat intre 3 bucati de granit (sau 3 carti grele) pentru a nu se misca.
Se incepe cu 2 bucati pline (fara decupajul in care intra laptop-ul) si apoi se lipeste fiecare piesa si se preseaza.
Si iar, si iar.... lipim, lipim....

STEP 4: Make Hinge

At 1/3 of total distance I put 1 hinge. For that I cut a piece of 3mm plywood (in images I use 3mm acrilic), I drill 3 holes with 4mm (2 holes are united).
Then put hinge over 1 cardboard piece, draw contour with pencil, and cut with a good cutter.
Put this cardboard piece and hinge near last glued piece and mark sign for hole. Drill a hole in 5-7 cardboard pieces and mount hinge and screw without cap.
After this glue separately 5-7 pieces and drill a hole before glue over hinge.

ATTENTION: put big hole (excentric) in same part (bottom or cover).

Finish bottom part with 2 full pieces , without cut.

RO version:

Realizarea balamalelor:
La 1/3 de capat se monteaza prima balama. Pentru aceasta se taie o bucata (70x12mm) din placajul de 3mm (in imagine am folosit o bucata de plexiglass - graba e de vina), si se fac 3 gauri cu diametrul de 4mm (2 mai apropiate si care se for uni cu un cutter).
Apoi se pune balamaua centrata pe una din piesele de carton, se deseneaza conturul cu un creion care se va taia apoi cu un cutter foarte ascutit.
aceasta piesa se va pune, impreuna cu balamaua, langa celelalte lipite, si se va face marcarea gaurii. Se dau la o parte si se gaureste cu burghiul de 3,5mm (este mai mic decat diametrul surubului, pentru ca acesta sa intre fortat) prin 5-7 piese de carton, in functie de lungimea surubului. Se lipeste piesa in care am decupat forma balamalei, si se monteaza balamaua cu surubul caruia i s-a taiat capatul cu un patent/dalta/bomfaier/fai. In loc de surub se pot folosi bare filetate de 4x1000mm, din care se vor taia bucati.
Lipiti separat 5-7 bucati de carton, pe care le apropiati+presati de balama pentru a ramane semnul de la surub, in care se va da inca o gaura. Acestea se lipesc apoi de celelate care au si balamaua.
Atentie: Partea balamalei care are gaura dubla/mare se pune in aeiasi parte a gentii (jos sau la capac), la ambele balamale, pentru a usura culisarea acesteia la deschidere.

Terminati partea de jos (dupa ce ati pus si cealalta balama) cu alte 2 piese nedecupate, ca la inceput.

STEP 5: Make Cover of Case

Make same steps for cover, but make 3 big parts - stop in right to the hinge.
Mark and draw hole for screw, and then glue together. Leave some time to dry.

RO version:
Realizarea capacului:

Se fac aceiasi pasi si la lipirea capacului, dar lipiti 3 module separate - va opriti cu lipitul in dreptul balamalelor partii de jos. Se monteaza mai intai modului din mijloc, unde se marcheaza locul pentru gauri, se scoate si se pun modulele laterale pentru marcarea gaurilor.
Se gauresc, ca si la partea de jos, cateva placi, se pune clei, si se monteaz mai intai modulul central si apoi lateralele.
Lasati sa se usuce catva timp, pentru a fi usor de manipulat la pasul urmator.

STEP 6: Shoulder Support

now I fix hemp tape with 2 cap screw (drill before) and 1 wood piece (red acrilic in image), to bottom, and 1 cap screw with washer , in top.
You cam make a magnetic closure, with 2 pieces from magnetic name tags/badge

RO version:
Suportul pentru umar:

Acum puteti fixa banda de canepa in partea de jos, folosind 2 suruburi cu cap, si 1 bucata de lemn (plastic rosu in imagine) la fel ca si la balamale. In partea de sus se prinde cu 1 surub, si 1 piulita pentru a tine bine banda de canepa.
Pentru inchidere se pot folosi o bucatica de tabla si un magnet, de exemplu de la un ecuson magnetic.

STEP 7: Final / Finish

I make other pictures, to have a global image.
You can put a smll piece of cardboard over the "pocket" - to not scratch laptop.

And don`t forghet: is ok to make "green dot" and cheap objects, but is more good if you make and unusual design for these !

RO version:
Am mai facut cateva imagini, pentru o privire de ansamblu.
Mai puteti pune o bucata de carton peste acel locas de accesorii, ca sa nu zgarie laptop-ul.


Bravo omule super fain , si ingenioasa ideea
Very good job!
Quite ecological.

Daniel Domingos
I was going to send this page to someone, but when I saw the version when I am not logged in, I was horrified.
Hi, I love your proyect!! i really do!!... i have freehand but my first try i almost cry, it was .... no words ... if it's not to much ... can u send me your proyect for some help... I'll try to do my best.... sorry the english... I speak spanish!! and again your work is great!!
Hi, a have a HP mini and i want to make my cardboard case, but i didn't know how to use the inkscape to design it. Can yoy design the pices for me or send a tutorial. My mail is The laptop dimensions are: 8.9” screen 2,7cm. x 25,5cm. x 16,5cm Thanks :D
Hi, you can use any vectorial program: CorelDraw, Autocad, Freehand, Adobe Illustrator,Q-cad, Aviary.... If you have one of this, I can send my project in format that you need. I`m sorry, but I don`t have enougnt time to make custom project. Try to (english version).
That's a nice case, only I would make it without the 'swollen' side. Will try it defintely.
For someone so obsessed with keeping green that they won't go and buy any decent laptop case, why do you have a laptop with harmful (environmentally) materials in the first place? Doesn't it defeat the purpose?
I don`t by obsessed for nothing; I try (with my power) to make green life but not only: I love design. I don`t like some things only because is green and have ugly design
If you read even paragraph 3, from my Intro, you find the answer.
About me: I change 2 desktop & CRT monitor from home and office (big energy consumer) with one laptop - is first step. Ooo.. and I like my bike :)

Offtopic: for HP Eco Solution please read this website:
Interesting idea :) RO: Interesanta idee :)
Looks great. Several questions. This looks to cushion the laptop. But it looks like moisture would get in. (or did I miss a step) Any ideas on how to make it water proof? How does the hing hold up to repeat & long term use? I don't know if this would work, but if you had access to a bandsaw, I wonder if the pieces could be stacked and cut together. Thanks for a nice design
Oooo.. you don`t read all instructable and comment :(
My ideea is to use for cheap laptop for kids (like OLPC), only summer (or in equator country - he wish to rain sometimes).
Other users - opposite pole - is people who like design, ant want to be admired for original design :)
I response to andreiad: Is not a "rain case" but is possible to cover with ecological plastic foil when rain.
Is not problem to repeat hold up , but I sugest to put 3-4 hinge, not only 2; for long term use.
Now I use to carry a HP DV5 (2.7Kg) and is very easy to use. (And for girls is like a Ferrari : Oauuuuu.... is a new Gucci bag? I wannnttttt.....:) )
This is great, i saw the creator of these recently on boing boing i think. I suggest putting a link to the original artist in the intro, just so people can see what his original was like, and how you made it better.
Hi, I`m sorry, I don`t know this artist. Please send me this link, or put here to see.
Thats the guy, he was featured on make and a few other blogs about a week or 2 back, so i _assumed_ you had seen it there! Be sure to check his out, there is all sorts that he has made using the same technique.
Oau ... is wonderfull how make this guy - much better like my case. He give me more new ideea. Unfortunately I don`t see this her work until now - contrar your supposition ( I don`t have so much time to spend on Internet). If I see this site until now, I sell my project and I buy myself Epilog laser :)) So probabily I don`t invent the wheel :(, but I`m amateur, he is a profesional designer. Now I think to sell my laptop case with more 180 British Pound Sterling (like her), because is more big !! :)) I`m sory, but I can not sell with this price, because I spend maxim 15Euro for materials and some of my time - is not fair for me. I give this ideea and project for all who need, for FREE. PS. sorry for my bad english.
Your English is perfectly easy to understand, don't worry.
Agreed! In fact, I enjoy reading things from people from other places, it's interesting and often makes me smile. :)
so pretty... Is possible to make bijoux from cardboard? I`m a fan :)
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