Beer Can Spinner


Intro: Beer Can Spinner

Placing drinks in iced salt water is an effective way to cool them down but this is made even faster using a Beer Can Spinner.

It has environmental benefits as it reuses the packaging the beer cans came in (clip-on top).

An aluminum beverage can, rotated in icy water with a Beer Can Spinner will be cooled to 5 c in less than 5 minutes.

STEP 1: Clip on Pack

Cut out one of the circular disks from a beer clip-on pack using a pair of scissors.

STEP 2: Fix the Shaft

Drill a hole in the center of the clip-on disk.

Fix a roofing bolt though this hole and attach a nut to secure.

STEP 3: Sandpaper

Place the plastic disk on top of a sheet of 240 grit wet and dry sandpaper and draw a circle around the circumstance.

Cut out the disk of sandpaper.

Trim the disk so it will just fit into the underside of the clip-on disk and remain there.

The sandpaper is to give move grip to the aluminium can.

STEP 4: Attach to an Electric Drill

Attach the clip on attachment to a battery powered drill and select the drill setting .

STEP 5: Salt Water Bath

Some salt water was made by adding 260g of salt to 500 mil of warm water.

STEP 6: Add in Ice

A 400mil tray of ice cubes was added to the salt water. After 1min it had cooled to 1degee C and after 2 min it was down to -2 degrees C.

STEP 7: Spin for Three Minutes

The beverage can was spun in the icey salt water for 3 minutes. This cooled the drink down to 4 degrees C.

When another can was tried, it could only be cooled to down to 10 degrees C as the salt water had warmed up from the heat transfer from the cans.