Introduction: Best Knex Desert Eagle Instructions

Hi everyone! here are the instructions for my Knex desert eagle, and i hope you guys like it. Pro's: Shoots!!! Ca. 8 meter range. Looks nice True trigger Cons: No slide action... Single shot... No comfy handle... Part list: Connectors: -halve moon: 20- -full moon: 6- -orange connectors: 21- -small grey connectors: 20- - black/blue connector: 1- -ball joint connectors: 3- -hole joint connectors: 2- -very small beige connector: 2- -very small blue connector: 1- -light grey connectors :1- -red connectors: 6- -green connectors:8- -Y connectors: 5- -Rods- -Large grey rods: 1- -red rods:7 -small white rods: 16- -blue rods: 11- -Tiny Green or black rods: 39-

Step 1: The Barrel

Step 2: The Handle

Step 3: The Rest of the Gun

Step 4: Rubber Band Attachment

Step 5: Ammo