Bicycle Parking Lock System Using RFID Card Reader


Intro: Bicycle Parking Lock System Using RFID Card Reader

This project is according to the requirement of UITM's Embedded System Design And Interfacing project. It was done by

Imran, Nazhan and Alif. This is the flowchart of the Bicycle Parking Lock System.

This flowchart will be the guide in constructing the Bicycle Parking Lock System

The Purpose of this project is to create a proper bicycle parking lock system that can apply in the city. An addition to this, the concept of IOT will be applied in this project

* Don't mind the Ultraman

STEP 1: Step 1: Materials & Components

Electronics: -

1. Arduino Uno

2. RFID card & RFID Card Reader

3. IR Sensor

4. Red LED & Green LED

5. Servo Motor

6. Any Android Smartphone

7. WIFI Module ESP8266

Tools: -

1. Solder

2. Iron Solder

STEP 2: Step 2: Circuit Construction

Below are the connection between each of the components with the Aduino UNO

RFID Card Reader

SDA.........................................................Digital 10

SCK.........................................................Digital 13

MOSI.........................................................Digital 11

MISO.........................................................Digital 12



RST...........................................................Digital 9


IR Sensor



OUT...........................................................ANALOG 1


+VE...........................................................Digital 4


Green LED

+VE...........................................................Digital 5


Servo Motor



OUT...........................................................Digital 6

WIFI Module ESP8266


RX ...........................................................Digital 3

TX ...........................................................Digital 2



STEP 3: Step 3: Server Setup

1. Go to

2. Create new account if new to the site. If already have an id, simply sign in to get started

3. Create new Channel

4. Make Sure to name your Channel and tick at least 2 Field Id. Furthermore, don’t forget to make it Public.

5. Get Your Channel ID and WRITE API Key

STEP 4: Step 4: Phone Interface

1. Download Application Virtuino from google play store

2. Click at the top and create new device (Arduino Symbol)

3. Make sure the virtuino server has the same channel Id as the one at the thingspeak sever.

4. Design your interface

5. Make sure the Virtual Multiple TEXT responds according to the return value that are in

6. The pin / virtual pin of each of the component will react to the field id that are in

STEP 5: Step 5: Coding

1. The serial of the esp8266 must be change from 115200 to 9600 or according to your esp8266 serial. This is because the esp8266 must read to 9600

2. Make Sure the Api key are according to the thingspeak server

STEP 6: Step 6: Prototype

The circuit can be put at the side of the prototype. The reason for this are for easy troubleshooting of the circuit. When the RFID card reader read a RFID card, it will rotate the servo that are at the side of the bicycle. This will indicate the lock has been lock at the back tire.


Cool! I have seen systems like this for cars but not bikes. Very clever.