Introduction: Bicycle Pedal Covers

About: I like making things, learning how to make/repair things and am happy to help other folk make things too.

Tired of scratching the inside of your car with your pedals when loading and unloading your bike!

This is a cheap fix to solve that problem all you need are some household tools, a snap fastener press stud kit and some 7" neoprene tablet sleeve.

Step 1: Buy Some 7" Tablet Sleeves

I have ordered a few and they vary in size but they all fit on, maybe a little loose or baggy depending on your pedals and the sleeves.


Step 2: Mark and Cut

Take your sleeves mark and cut them, i used tailors chalk to mark them and scissors to cut them, i tried a craft knife but i found the scissors worked better. You should cut them a bit longer than you think to make sure they fit, if they're to long you can always trim them.

Step 3:

Fit the sleeves over the pedals and take the podger that should have come in the popper kit. With the covers in place push the podger through both sides so you know where to fit the poppers.

Step 4: Popper Crimping

Take your crimping device like the one here ">popper kit then take out 4 popper backs and two male and two female poppers. When fitting them make sure you match up the male to the female poppers.

You will have a bit of spare neoprene from the stages before, if you need to have a practice with the poppers, do it on this bit.

Step 5: Done

That's it, get them on your bike and load it in your car without any scratches :)