Bionic Wolverine Claws


Intro: Bionic Wolverine Claws

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So can you make a non-bionic version of this and also I've been trying to build something like this for a while now but I lack the materials so you are awsome man

That`s pretty cool ... BUT wouldn`t Predator claws be even cooler? Especially if one elaborated more on that wrist piece...

You should make an Instructable that uses the sensor in a replica Assassin's Creed Blade that actually works! Other than that, cool Instructable!

To make it an Assassins Creed hidden blade, all you would have to do is replace the multiple blade part with a single big blade.

Nice porject dude, a good yellow and black paint job would look amazing, or like whats been said before assassins creed version

Sweet! This would be awesome to use for the Assassin's Creed hidden blade.

I was just thinkin 'bout the same thing!
This is badass now I have a reason to buy a 3D printers

Awesome! Would also work well for Predator gauntlet blades. :)