Blue Waffles


Intro: Blue Waffles

Blue Waffles is a Sexually Transmitted Disease which affects mainly women. It also affects men also.

STEP 1: Blue Waffles Symptoms

Blue Waffle is a newly heart disease that has been found in both Men and women. Although there are some symptoms of occurrence of this sexually transmitted disease both the men and the women often gets confused with other diseases and start taking up minor medications to get short-term relief. This is not the solution for getting relief from this contagious disease. Once it infects a person, it automatically gets transferred to the person with less immunity.

Blue Waffle is a sexually transmitted disease that causes pain the vagina resulting in the discharge of a blue stain from the vaginal part. This disease mainly infects the vagina and hence the Blue name waffles. There is no 100% cure of this STDs at home, and you must seek professional advice to get instant relief.

Let us now look at the common symptoms of this disease.

· As already said Blue Waffle infects vagina so we can say that it is a kind of vaginal infections that affect vagina. A person suffering from Blue waffle will experience continuous itching in the vaginal area, bad smell from the vagina, blue color stain from the vagina, persistent pain while having intercourse with your partner.

· Some of the prominent symptoms of this STDs disease in a woman are irritation, discomfort while sitting, red spots on the entrance part of the vagina, and bleeding sometimes.

· The color of the vagina may change during this time.

· The foul smell from the vagina is due to discharge of a white colored fluid. This smell is almost similar to the smell that you feel after having sex. It is a bad smell and the person nearby you can feel it.

· In the case of yeast infection, there will be a yellowish discharge just like the color of cottage cheese.

Blue waffles can occur due to viral, bacterium, or any other harmful parasite attaches to your body. Do you know there are good bacteria and bad bacteria present inside our body? When you feel healthy and fit, the right bacteria inside your body will grow and kill the harmful bacteria. But when you are unhealthy the bad bacteria lead the good bacteria and cause infection in the vaginal part. If you are having sex with multiple partners than the chances of developing this disease are higher. You are likely to suffer from Blue Waffle under such situations.

In the case of severe infection in the vagina, it is advised to consult your doctor. The doctor should be trustworthy, and he or she should be the one you can bank upon quickly. This doctor will start a pelvic exam because understanding the severity of this infection from the top layer is quite difficult. A doctor will have to go deeper to understand the cause of the infection. If the doctor can find the cause, then only he or she can start the specific treatment.

Blue Waffle is a contagious disease. It spreads through unprotected sex. Make sure you go through all the preventive measures before having sex.
