Boom Beach - Supercell Pride Today


Intro: Boom Beach - Supercell Pride Today

Supercell is a firm believer of the saying “if it ain’t broke, do not fix it!” with their new game Boom Beach. They know for a fact that Clash of Clans is the main bread and butter for the company. Thus, they made something similar to this game but with a twist. The game also has the perfect formula for success just like its predecessor Clash of Clans and Hay Day, but at the same time it has its unique factor in it that will surely entice gamers to play. The modern of approach of the game with its goal of liberating islanders in the archipelago from the hands of the evil blackguard is fun and interesting at the same time.
As it was said above earlier, the game has similarities with the most mobile RTS (Real Time Strategy) game. With that, the player has these two common goals --- to build and safeguard your base and its resources. In addition you also have to attack neighboring islands for loots and to free slaves from the enemies.

Resources like gold, wood, iron and stone are the things necessary to make your camp and its structures strong. Training troops and army for raids need resources to be done. That is why it is not enough to simply defend from any attack but also to farm and earn these resources to strengthen you’re camp.

And the most exciting part of the fight is the battle itself. This is where strategy comes into play. It is not only enough to have the right units to attack, but it is worth noticing that having the right combination, the right timing, and the right combo plays a big role towards winning. I know most of you would agree on this. Yes, the game is fun. You build, you upgrade, you defend, and you attack but just like any most free to play game you have to pay for something if you are the type of person who hates waiting or you simply want to avoid grinding for resources. It has its own premium currency that you need to buy to bypass waiting and to buy resources for building and training. On the other hand, if you have the patience to wait, then you simply would play a few minutes to hours of your time per day and do other activities of daily living. That simple, you get to enjoy the game and you get to do what is expected of you as a person.

Overall, the game is something worth playing. It has similarities with Clash of Clans at the same time it has features that makes the game unique in its own right.