Botanical Art


Intro: Botanical Art

Hi all,

I'm going to show you how I do botanical drawings. Botanical Art is a great way to learn about a plant and can be used by others to identity plants. I've been drawing all my life, and would love to share my tips with you all.

I use an 'artistic license' in some of my art, when I'm not using the drawings as identification tools. You'll see what I mean later on...

STEP 1: Materials




A3 or A4 paper. You can use Canvas Art Paper if you like, I'm using a regular artists sketch book, just don't use thin paper like you would use in your printer.

Coloured pencils - I use Faber Castel or Derwent.

Artline back felt tip pen. - optional

STEP 2: Choose Your Speciem.

Go for a walk in your local botanical gardens, national park or even your own garden.

When you identify a plant you would like to draw, photograph the leaves, fruit and flower. My sort of botanical art typically covers these parts of the plant, and not the plant as a whole.

I choose a Eucalyptus species. I love the look of the flower!
These images are care of Google, I dis this drawing a few days agai and my speciem has wilted now.

Most parks and community gardens in Australia don't let you pick flowers, etc, off the plant without proper permission, so photography is the next best thing. So when photographing try to get the flower, fruit and leaf on one stem, and in one shot, but keep it natural.

But if your in your garden, pick it, a live speciem is the best thing.

STEP 3: Outline

Begin drawing your plant.

Lightly draw the outlines, don't press hard, you will erase these lines later.

Think about placement on the page, size and scale, will it fit?

Only draw the outline, no detail and no shading. You will use colour later to create light, shade and detail.

STEP 4: Colour

Begin adding colour.

I always begin with lighter colours first. Only draw one piece at a time, look at your plant, what colours do you see?

Begin with yellow. As you colour the plant, erase the pencil lines, because sometimes you can see the grey under the colour.

Layer the colours, yellows to light green, blues and dark greens, to create the look of the leaf.

Remember draw what you see, not what you think you see.

STEP 5: Shade and Detail

Add shade and detail.

Use dark blues and hints of black to create shade and make the picture pop. Pressing hard with the colour pencils, to lightly pressing, creating shading looks.

Imperfections are a good thing. It shows the plants natural state. Put these in. Do you see brown's in the margin? Or red on the stem? Are there holes in the leaves?

Note: this is where I used my 'artistic license'. The plants flowers where red, not blue. I did them blue as I'm going to hang the picture in a 'blue themed' room.

STEP 6: Finished Product.

Continue this method throughout your pictures. It may take awhile.....

You can outline in the black pen, sometimes it reaaly makes the picture pop. I haven't used it in my pictures today.

When finished, step back, admire and frame it!

I hope I remembered everything...I'll update if needed.

Good luck and please post or comment if you give it a try, I'd love to see your drawings!

Shout out to QT-PIE, thanks for here cute room decor tips!


Thanks again for the shout out will make an instructable soon and give you one too☺☺☺