Introduction: Braided Collar Halter Top

Turn an old long-sleeved top into a halter top!
I had an old long-sleeved dress that I didn't wear anymore because the sleeves flared out, and while they were pretty, they, well got into everything, like dips, sauces, and peoples' drinks at the dinner table, in a pot of glue at my studio desk, and in the sink in the bathroom. I decided to make a summery halter dress instead. This technique can be applied to any long-sleeved top or dress that is made out of stretchy jersey (think comfy tshirt) material, though. While you can apply this technique to any kind of material, I highly recommend jersey knit because it will not unravel and you can leave some edges unfinished.

Step 1:

First, cut off the sleeves and the hemmed collar. You want to use as much continuous material as possible, so cut along the seam right inside where the sleeves join the torso piece.

Step 2:

Cut one of the sleeves open. You should have a piece somewhat like the one above. Cut it lengthwise into 1 to 2 inch strips. I was pretty close to 2 inches, but you might want a slimmer braid.

Step 3:

Do the same for the other sleeve, and cut off any irregular parts so that the strips are all rectangles. You should have something like the photo. Now, sew all of the pieces together to make one long strip. Yes, it does look like a braid, but it isn't actually one! A simple running stitch should be sufficient. I ended up with a 3-yard long strip. 

Step 4:

Now comes the fun part, "braiding."
It's basically using your fingers to crochet. First, make a loop with the end on the bottom.

Step 5:

Then, pull a bit of the long end through. Don't actually pull it the whole way, but keep it in a loop. Pull it tighter so that you have a 1.5 in long loop.

Step 6:

Repeat by pulling the long end into a loop over and over again. This  shows the process a lot better.

Step 7:

When you get to the end of the strip, pull the end all of the way through. I ended up with a piece that was about 2.5 feet long.

Step 8:

Cut the back off at the height of the armpits. Try wearing your top/dress and cut the straps into triangle-ish shapes. Us actual triangles for a v-neck, or something like below for a u-neck. You should now basically have a tube with two triangles stuck on it.

Step 9:

Hem the triangles and the top of the back if you so desire. Tie the ends of the neckstrap together, and connect it to the inner edge of the torso piece. You're done!