Breakfast Corn Dogs


Intro: Breakfast Corn Dogs

In this Instructable, I am going to show you how to make breakfast corn dogs. These pancake dogs are really just pancakes and sausage on a stick, haha. There is no cornmeal in them, so "corn dogs" is not really the right term, but they do look like small classic corn dogs. This breakfast corn dogs recipe is so awesome and super easy to make. A nice twist on a classic pancake and sausage breakfast. If I can do it, you can do it, let's get started!

Don't forget to follow me and check out my other Instructables :)

Follow the easy steps below or watch the video tutorial or do both!

STEP 1: Ingredients and Tools


  • Pancake batter - Use your favorite pancake batter or my classic American pancakes recipe
  • Breakfast sausages - I like the Farmer John or Jimmy Dean brand, but you can use whatever brand of breakfast sausage that you like.
  • Oil for frying - Use vegetable, canola, coconut, shortening, etc.
  • Maple syrup (optional)
  • Powdered sugar (optional)

Note: A typical pancake batter recipe will make way too much batter for 8 breakfast corn dogs, so you can just make regular pancakes with the leftovers or just half the recipe or use a quarter of the recipe, depending on how many you want to make.


  • Deep pot
  • Bowls
  • Tongs
  • Bamboo skewers or popsicle sticks
  • Plate
  • Paper Towels

STEP 2: Brown the Sausages

Begin by cooking/browning the breakfast sausages.

There are a variety of kinds you can use. Just use your favorite breakfast sausages. I like the Farmer John and Jimmy Dean brands.

Place a skillet on a burner and set the heat to medium (350 F/176C). You can use an electric griddle as well. No need to add any oil to the pan.

Add the sausage links and cook them until they are nice and brown. It will take 5 to 10 minutes. The internal temp should be about 165 F. Just so there is no pink on the inside.

*Also at this point take a large deep pot and add an inch to an inch and a half deep of oil to it. Set the burner to medium and allow the oil to heat up to (350 F/176 C)

STEP 3: Dry and Stick

Once the sausages are all cooked you can remove them from the heat and place them on paper towels. Dry them really well to soak up the extra grease.

Then once they have cooled a bit, you can use clean hands and stick them with a bamboo skewer or popsicle stick. If you are using bamboo skewers you will need to trim them in half, so they fit in your pot of oil.

STEP 4: Make the Pancake Batter

Time to make the pancake batter. Use your favorite homemade pancake batter or a standard store-bought pancake mix or use this pancake recipe of mine.

Then just follow the instructions for whatever recipe you want to use.

Again, this will make way too much batter for 8 to 16 breakfast corndogs. But then again, I eat 6 to 8 of them myself for breakfast, so it all depends on how many you want to make. And you can always just make standard pancakes with any leftover batter.

Now you can dip the sausage on a stick into the pancake batter. You can leave it in the bowl, or pour some batter into a tall glass.

STEP 5: Cook the Pancake Dogs

After you dip the dog in the pancake batter gently place it in the hot oil. Don't just drop it in. Lay the top part in the oil and then let go of the stick.

You can add 3 to 5 of them at a time depending on how large your pot is. These cook really fast, it only takes a minute or two for them to get golden brown.

If you need to take your tongs and rotate the breakfast dog so it cooks evenly. Once golden brown, remove them and place them on a plate lined with paper towels.

STEP 6: Serve

Now you can dust them with powdered sugar if you like, dip them in maple syrup, or some sort of fruit sauce, and eat them! Enjoy!

Print the recipe here if you like.

STEP 7: Video Tutorial

Now check out those steps in action with this video tutorial. :)


You might want to edit Step 3?: If you are using bamboo skewers you will need to trim them in half, so they pit in your pot of oil. (pit in your pot)!
Great idea, an easy breakfast finger food for the breakroom at work in the morning.
Thank you for the idea :)
hahaha good catch, thanks! Grammarly does a decent job but still misses things! haha
Can they be frozen and reheated some way? Maybe microwave? Are they good cold?
Yep, you can freeze them after you make them, and then reheat them in the microwave or in the oven. They are better at room temp or warm. :)
As a Canadian, I approve.....BUT.....only if you use the world's best REAL Canadian Maple Syrup, everything else does not qualify! lol
oh my I love real Candian syrup. It is so much better than the thicker American maple syrup. So no arguments here! lol
sorry, but - SUGAR and SIRUP on sausages??
Yes, very common here in the United States to have maple syrup with your pancakes and breakfast sausages. Remember, there are many different types of sausages. The breakfast sausage is a specific type, much different then you are probably used to. For example, now way would I put syrup on a polish sausage, Italian sausage, kielbasa, hot dog frank/wiener.
Actually that stuff on sausage (and fried chicken) is quite good. I questioned it my first time to but when I tried the sugary sausage it was really good! I would recommend trying this!
Corn dogs + breakfast + sugar and syrup = deliciousness! I love this! Sounds like a good brunch maybe with some potatoes and eggs!