Bright Tribal Nails


Intro: Bright Tribal Nails

Prep your tooties for flip flop season with some trendy nail art. This design is comprised of: 1 layer bold stripes, lined with black borders, & topped off with some strokes here and there.

STEP 1: Solid!

Make some solid stripes on your nail. Don't worry about imperfections.

STEP 2: Watch the Borders

Now is the time to clean up the wobbly lines in between the colored stripes with a thin black line. I used a nail art brush and I found it easier when I laid the brush horizontal exactly where I wanted the line, then rotated my toe to draw a neat, straight line. After you're done, add a couple thin white lines for funsies.

STEP 3: Decorate

This is where your imagination comes in. Look at each colored stripe lined by black to be a layer, and fill each layer with a different pattern using a thin brush or nail art pen. You can make zig zags, dots, or little slanted strokes.... and sit back to admire your fancy smancy tribal toes!


These are hard to do on tiny toes and take a very long time!