Build Your Own Camping Box in 10 Simple Steps. DIY Plan


Intro: Build Your Own Camping Box in 10 Simple Steps. DIY Plan

Ready for a road trip like no other? Let's turn your car into a cozy, functional mini camper with some simple DIY magic. The best part? This conversion is universal and can be adapted to fit a wide range of car models. Whether you have a spacious SUV, a handy station wagon, or a versatile minivan, our guide is designed to help you customize your vehicle into the perfect travel companion. No specialized tools needed – just your enthusiasm and a bit of creativity! So, grab your gear, and let's embark on this exciting journey to transform your car for adventure.

STEP 1: Measuring Your Car

First things first, let's measure your car's trunk space. This step is crucial to ensure your camping box fits perfectly. Grab a tape measure and jot down those dimensions!

STEP 2: Purchasing Materials - Wood and Plywood

Time for a quick shopping trip! You'll need plywood for the structure and some wood for support. Choose materials that are sturdy yet lightweight for the best balance.

  • wooden block 40x40mm
  • plywood 15mm

STEP 3: Preparing Tools

Gather your tools – a saw for cutting, a drill for holes, and a screwdriver for assembly. Make sure everything's in good working order before you start.

  • hand saw for wood
  • miter box
  • tape measure
  • pencil
  • wood glue
  • adjustable angle
  • carpenter square
  • threaded insert for wood
  • bar clamp
  • screws 3.5 x 30 mm
  • wood punch
  • angle brackets

STEP 4: Measuring and Cutting

Based on your measurements, mark the plywood and start cutting. Remember, measure twice, cut once! This step shapes the foundation of your camper box.

STEP 5: Assembly of Base Structure

Now, let's put it all together. Assemble the base structure using screws and ensure it's stable and square. This base is the heart of your camper box.

STEP 6: Assembly a Platform Bed

Add a platform bed on top of the base. This will be your sleeping area, so make sure it's comfortable and spacious enough for a good night's sleep.

STEP 7: Mounting the Camping Box in the Car

Carefully place the structure into your car's trunk. It should fit snugly. If it's a bit tight, some minor adjustments can do the trick.

STEP 8: Pack Your Camping Essentials

Time to pack up your camping essentials. Think compact and multi-use items to maximize space and functionality.

STEP 9: Find a Safe Place to Sleep

Now that your car is camper-ready, it's time to find the perfect spot to park and rest. Look for safe, legal places to sleep – this could be designated camping areas, RV parks, or other spots known for being camper-friendly. Remember, safety and respect for local regulations are key. A good night's sleep in a beautiful, secure location is the perfect end to a day of adventure!

STEP 10: Convert Your Car Into a Mini Camper in 2 Minutes

And just like that, you're ready to hit the road! In just a couple of minutes, your car is now a mini camper, ready for adventures and memories.

STEP 11: Conclusion:

There you have it – your very own DIY camping box, perfect for spontaneous getaways and budget-friendly travels. Check out our general video for a visual guide through each step. Happy camping!


Thanks for sharing! Looks like you have a great camping setup :)

You should consider using a photo of the finished camping box as your main/intro image, it looks great!
Thank you for Tip :)