A Creative Bullet Shell Repurpose


Intro: A Creative Bullet Shell Repurpose

For this project you will need a spent shell, a few tea candles, scissors, a heat source, and a cotton swab.

STEP 1: Picking Your Shell

There are a variety of shells that are usable in this project. When you pick one that is attractive, keep in mind that it should be higher so that the wax does not spill out.

STEP 2: Setting the Wick

Cut the swab in half and cut the fuzzy ends off.

P.S. You might want to soak the swab in a flammable liquid or alcohol to avoid the wick just burning out.

STEP 3: Pour the Wax

Once you pick a shell, heat the wax inside the candle, and slowly drip it into the shell. Make sure the wick is in place. You will need to hold it still until the wax sets.

STEP 4: Test Out Your Candle

Have fun! These are just little throwies or gifts, but if needed can be used for a survival fire starter. I keep a few in my day packs just on the off chance.