CRASH Space InstructablesBy BarbMakesThings in Circuits5734FavoriteInstructables by members of CRASH Space LA.Instructables by members of CRASH Space LA.NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Teardown + Customized EEG Headpieceby anoukwipprecht in WearablesThe Hexachord, an Arduino-Controlled Musical Instrumentby BarbMakesThings in ArduinoMake Your Own FlipBooKit Animationby FlipBooKit in ArtQuick and Cheap IPhone Stand for Stop Motionby BarbMakesThings in CamerasHow to Print With OctoPiby kf4kco in Raspberry PiHow a Headless Raspberry Pi Can Tell You Its IP Addressby dblando in Raspberry PiMake a Talking Drum Out of Funnelsby BarbMakesThings in MusicStudded Cup Cozy : Flexible 3d Printed Studded Belt for My Cupby mpinner in 3D PrintingInstaMorph Magnetic Musical Marble Runby BarbMakesThings in Toys & GamesCustom-Molded InstaMorph Maskby BarbMakesThings in Costumes & Cosplay