
Intro: CYCLO

My first K'nex ball machine.

Here is the instructable on the elements!

I finished counting pieces. The final amount is 11 411 pcs.
Ofcourse, due to miscalculations and things like rubber bands etc, this number can be off a little.


wow that is epic! better than my 1st ball machine. (P.S. you published this on my Bday!)
wow knex is so much better than lego
thx somebody agresess
this is the, absalute, COOOOLLLEEST knex ball machine i have ever seen!!! :D very good job!
Wow... My first ball machine had ONE path, and that didn't even work...
You Sir, possess a lot of K'nex. My admiration.
i will pay you $7.50 for all your knex... ok $8.00 but that is my limit
Who said I'm selling it? I'm still searching for more.
Yeah, I'm bad at jokes XD But I'm still searching more k'nex
goed gedaan jongen
ik heb een speciale webcam waarmee ik veel goede foto's kan maken
dus tijdens het bouwen van mijn ball machine ga ik er meteen instructies bij zetten
M'n camera is eentje met een miniDV (cassetje), ik kan dus geen timelapse opnames maken :s

nouja, met movie maker kan je vast wel voldoende doorspoelen XD
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