Marble Machine: Patch + More Prices


Intro: Marble Machine: Patch + More Prices

Hello everyone, 

As I explained before: I'm now a pro member and I have 14 patches left to send. I don't know what to do with them so I decided to hold a contest. If you want to enter here are the rules:
1:The assignment is to create a marble machine out of k'nex that can fit in a red rod box.
2: There's no piece limit
3: All kinds of K'nex pieces are allowed but you can't use anything but K'nex pieces.
4: It must be automatic (which means you'll have to build a lift)

1st place: Patch + lots of honor.
2nd place: Patch + nice comment from me =D
3rd place: Patch

You can enter until I say you can't enter anymore :-p.
I hope to get alot of participants. Creativity will be rewarded.

PS: I posted this as a slideshow because I know most people don't check forums and questions.

Good luck!

List of entries so far:


so whats going on...this contest fizzled?
I think I'll try.
This sounds SO hard!
Since, no one seems to be entering this, I'll go head and enter what I came up with.

Its pretty much impossible to make a lift and exit track without going outside the red box. My entry, which is exactly one red box.
Ok, that's really nice, but some people are still busy so I'm gonna have to wait for the other entrants
I would just like to say that this is IMPOSSIBLE to do in a red box. There's no way to fit an entrance lift and exit. Is it OK if you change it to 3 blue squares by 3 blue squares?

Oh wait Coaster105 is in thiis? Well I should pretty much give up... JK :-P
It IS possible. I've made 3 lifts in 1/5th of the space!
No, with micro k'nex.
Yup. Why not? It's allowed :-P
I know, I didn't know you had micro pieces.
I've 3 - 4 thousand of 'em!
OK :-P
In a red box? I don't think so Can I see a pic?
i have a pic of it but i won't show! :P
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