Camoflauge B-ATM-03 FATTY GROUND CUSTOM (airbrushed)


Intro: Camoflauge B-ATM-03 FATTY GROUND CUSTOM (airbrushed)

Camoflauged B-ATM-03 FATTY GROUND CUSTOM (airbrushed) for any questions on how to do anything or want an instructable just comment =) Im sorrr If this one does not have many pictures... or is not very detailed.   Oh by the way the brown you see is rust and is not part of the camofluage... Again for any question please post on the comment section BELOW..  and check out my other models on the sidebar.. they should be there


Is this from gundam? I have never seen this before

I'd love to see an Instructable on how to achieve those paint effects. Nice job!
okay.. after a long year since this comment.. i have finally had enough time to complete this instructable.. almost instantly getting it featured =) yay! lol... check it out at :