Camping Container


Intro: Camping Container

I recently came up with a watertight solution to the plastic tote I had been using for years to hold my camping supplies.

STEP 1: Find Rain Barrel With Screw Top

I found an old pickle brine barrel locally for 25$. I prefer the screw top, but you can use the ring clamp ones as well.

STEP 2: Fill With Supplies

I was able to stuff this 55 gallon drum with all the following:

Coleman Hampton 9 person tent
2 Coleman sleeping bags
Coleman queen air mattress
Coleman twin mattress
12 volt pump

STEP 3: Go Camping

Toss the barrel in your truck and go. Hope this helps save you some space and keeps your gear dry like it did for me! Thanks for looking.


Very good point. I had a relative put a loaf of bread in my brand new tent and a raccoon made an arm-sized hole in the side. Nothing a little patch wouldn't fix, but still aggravating.
That is a great idea! Also, after setting up the camp you have an empty barrel that could be used to hold your FOOD ITEMS! That is very important on a camping trip. Raccoons sometimes know how to open ice chests! Birds and squirrels jump up on picnic tables and destroy everything if you leave them un-attended a while! The barrel would keep the food out of your TENT which is a good idea also. You don't want a raccoon or bear smelling FOOD in your tent and clawing at the fabric in the middle of the night!
Thanks! It is 55 gallons. It had a vinegar smell from the pickles that were inside, so I bleached and scrubbed it until it no longer smelled. I got it from a local farm where they ship and receive produce in these barrels. Craigslist might be a good place to look. Search rain barrels or 55 gallon drum.
Great idea.
How big is that barrel (gallons)?
Does it have a odor inside (presuming that it is used)?
What kind of merchants have this kind of item?