Introduction: Candy Stripe Friendship Bracelet
Hello everyone! Today I'm going to teach you all a simple Friendship Bracelet pattern. Here's what you'll need.
•Embroidery Floss or Thin Yarn
•Paper Clamp or Clipboard
•Book (not needed if you choose to use a clipboard)
•Embroidery Floss or Thin Yarn
•Paper Clamp or Clipboard
•Book (not needed if you choose to use a clipboard)
Step 1: Starting
Choose as many colors and as many strands as you like (I recommend 3+).
The more strands the thicker your bracelet will be. (Mine has 8 Strands)
To figure out the length of your strands I suggest wrapping a strand around your wrist 3 times.
After you have cut and measured all your strands, tie a knot leaving a 1/2 inch so you can tie it in the end.
The more strands the thicker your bracelet will be. (Mine has 8 Strands)
To figure out the length of your strands I suggest wrapping a strand around your wrist 3 times.
After you have cut and measured all your strands, tie a knot leaving a 1/2 inch so you can tie it in the end.
Step 2:
Use your clamp the clip your knot into place.
Separate the strands and put them in the order you will like the colors to show.
Separate the strands and put them in the order you will like the colors to show.
Step 3:
Grab your 1st strand with your right hand and 2nd strand with your left. Loop strand 1 in front of strand 2 making a number "4".
Step 4:
Loop strand 1 inside the "4" as shown
Step 5:
Tie strand 1 all the way to the top of strand 2.
This is called a forward knot.
Do this twice on every strand using Strand 1.
When you have done this take your new Strand 1 and repeat.
Repeat with all strand and you will slowly start seeing the pattern.
This is called a forward knot.
Do this twice on every strand using Strand 1.
When you have done this take your new Strand 1 and repeat.
Repeat with all strand and you will slowly start seeing the pattern.
Step 6:
When you have reached desired length stop.
You can make a knot here or you're welcome to braid it like I did. Then knot it.
You can now unclip your bracelet.
You can make a knot here or you're welcome to braid it like I did. Then knot it.
You can now unclip your bracelet.
Step 7:
Cut off the excess strands.
Tie around your wrist and done! Enjoy your new bracelet.
Tie around your wrist and done! Enjoy your new bracelet.