Candy Video Game Life Bars


Intro: Candy Video Game Life Bars

So much leftover Halloween candy! I had to do something. So I did. I made video game life bars with the leftover Kit-Kat bars.

    Fun-sized Kit-Kats
    1 cup powdered sugar
    2 teaspoons meringue powder
    1 tablespoon water
    Green food coloring
    Yellow food coloring

    Sealable plastic bag

STEP 1: Make the Royal Icing

To create the royal icing, mix together the meringue powder, powdered sugar, and water. If you’re using a mixer, start the speed out slow so the powdered sugar doesn’t explode everywhere.  You’ll want the icing pretty thick. If it’s too thick, just add a tiny bit more water.

Scoop most of the icing into another bowl, leaving a few tablespoons. Add a few drops of the green food coloring to the majority of the royal icing and mix. Add a couple of drops of yellow food coloring to make it a brighter green, and mix.

STEP 2: Prepare the Frosting Bag

Scoop the icing into the plastic bag.

Seal the bag, and snip off one of the corners.

STEP 3: Frost the Tops

Frost the tops of your Kit-Kats, the amount of "life" depending on your fancy.

Use a toothpick to help nudge the color into its proper place.

STEP 4: Writing the Text

Dip a toothpick into the remaining white royal icing and draw “LIFE” on the side.

STEP 5: Allow to Set

Allow to set for a couple of hours to make sure the royal icing has hardened.


Oh cute!

Great for a wreak it Ralph viewing party or b party. Both this and the movie look like a real beauty. :D
So cute!! They would also be great on top of a game cake!
Ohhhhh how cute. :D These would be awesome for a birthday party.