Introduction: Carry ME
Hello, I am John Aldrin M. Urbi from Tech X, and this is how you make a phone case with a power bank compartment.
Step 1: From a Piece of Leather
Trace the phone on the leather then cut it with a cutter or scissors. Repeat to have 2 pieces of leather
Step 2: Screen
Create a hole in the middle of one of the pieces of leather for the screen
Step 3: Creating the Phone Case
Apply white glue or rugby to the edges of the piece of leather and then stick the two pieces of leather together but leave a hole where you can insert the phone
Step 4: Phone Case
There you go. You now have a phone case
Step 5: Powerbank Compartment
Get a piece of leather then make the edges even. Put Velcro so that you can seal the compartment and even make it adjustable
Step 6: To Stick Them Together
Put Velcro on both phone and powerbank case so that you can stick them together, creating a detachable case
Step 7: Tada, You're Done
Congratulations, now you have your own personalized phone case with power bank compartment