Carved Mirror Night Light


Intro: Carved Mirror Night Light

This is a Harry Potter night light that I built. One caution is that the mirror if it is low can be in the range of small children. The mirror can break and that would all be bad.

The first thing to do is to get all of the parts together. I purchased the drag bit on line as I did the mirrors. The mirrors can be purchased from Michael's. I found the night light at Home Depot. I have my own machines so I was ready to go.

STEP 1: Find Your Image to Cut Onto the Back of the Mirror.

I went to the web and found an image that I wanted to use to put onto the mirror. I then used Inkscape to change this into a .SVG file. This allows you to trace the image. I used Fusion 360 to design up the holder for the mirror and printed it on my 3D printer. I first drew up the mirror. It is a bit over 4" long so I used 4.12" (English) for the size of the mirror and I also used the thickness of the mirror to be .0630". I added the file (hanger) so that you can build one for yourself. Make sure that you have the right sized mirror for this. I opened up the manufacturing tab and traced this image in reverse on the back of the mirror.

I put some videos on to show you what the process looks like. I ended up doing the mirror twice because I printed it the wrong way. I was sure I had it backwards to start but we all make mistakes. I should have seen this one coming though as I have experience in this and was looking for it. Because it is a mirror you have to invert the image to make it turn out okay. This whole project only took about 5 hours to complete as I had my 3D printer running at a slow speed. The mirror was supposed to be 4" but was a bit bigger and so you might want to purchase everything before you start this project.

I used a diamond drag bit. It is spring loaded and I did not turn the spindle on the router. This works for all kinds of projects that you might want to engrave and this is just one of them that I have created with this set up.

STEP 2: You Can Engrave a Lot of Different Things.

You can see how I engraved my sons Harley Cycle Oil pan cover.