Carving a Chalk Tower


Intro: Carving a Chalk Tower

This is an instructable showing you how to make a clock tower (kinda like Big Ben) using a chalk (one which is used to write on blackboards).

STEP 1: Transforming the Chalk From a Cylinder to a Cuboid.

Firstly, choose a chalk that is long enough.
Working with cylinders is not easy. So we'll have to make a cuboid out of it.

Mark a square shape on top as shown below then start scraping the chalk.

Precautions: Try using a plastic scraper for this and do it in small strokes. Be careful when using blades as you might scrap excess accidentally and will then have to start over.

STEP 2: Start Marking the Sections

When you have a cuboid Chalk which you are happy with, process to decide what will be the proportion of all the sections; the bottom, the middle, and the top.

Then start marking the lines as shown. Use a blunt but pointy object. I used a probe of a multimeter, you can use a blunt safety pin or something similar.

STEP 3: Start Carving the Top

Leave the space for the watch-face and start carving the top of the clock tower. Use a matching. It's easier to do it with a matchstick.


To carve out a sloping roof, try using the edge of the matchstick as shown in the image. Move it back and forth, slowly and carefully.

Do it on the all four sides.

Precautions: The more you start going to the top, the more patient you have to be! It starts getting thinner and weaker so you should be delicate with it. Don't use force.

STEP 5: Complete the Top

Using same technique, carve out the top.
Be careful once you reach the top. As it will be very fragile.

If possible try to finish the topmost part at the last. This will reduce the chances of breaking it accidentally.

STEP 6: For the Clock-face!

Take a flathead screwdriver, put it on the chalk and rotate it about its axis to create a small circle. You are adviced to use another chalk and practice this technique 2-3 times before trying it on your clock tower.

This method is quite risky. Feel free to use a safer method of you can think of any (also share with me if you want to :)

Once you're confident, make a watch-face on your clock tower as shown in the picture.

STEP 7: Make Final Adjustments.

Once you're happy with everything, make any major or minor adjustments like making deeper grooves or making the slopes smoother and steeper.

STEP 8: There You Have It.

It will take a some time and patience. The chalk might break while working on it. But it's not impossible. I'm sure someone will do it better than I did. Do leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Thanks for your time.


It's possible to buy bigger sticks of chalk, often called chunky chalk. It's meant for toddlers and small children. Could be usefull for people who struggle with the working on such a small scale, or for more elaborate projects.

Also, artists' fixative spray might be usefull to 'fix' the surface when it is finished, making the surface less likely to flack away. (Read the instructions, and never use it in and enclosed space.)
Really nice job on this!

It would be neat if you could make your own layered chalk so as you carved it, you revealed the colored layers underneath :)
That's a great idea. Now I'm thinking about trying wax instead of chalk. I can then put LEDs in it. :D