Cast an 'entangled Rings' Ice Sculpture


Intro: Cast an 'entangled Rings' Ice Sculpture

This simple but elegant design is made with a relatively easy method. This sculpture is not carved but cast. I used plastic sheeting, scissors, tape and glue to make the mold.

STEP 1: The Plan

We are going to make two entangled rings with two entangled molds. Casting with fully enclosed molds is tricky because freezing water expands, therefore we'll use molds that are open on the top, that's easier. The top picture illustrates the idea for mold #1. The arrows indicate where the water goes. Mold #2 will 'embrace' mold #1, as shown in the bottom picture.     

STEP 2: Materials

Stuff you need

- Polyester sheet .5 mm, or any plastic sheet thin enough to cut with scissors but strong enough to maintain its shape when filled with water.
- Glue gun
- Tape
- Scissors
- Permanent marker
- A drafting compass or something circular that has the right size for drawing a circle (I used plates and bowls) 
- Freezer
- Water (for CLEAR ice, see this instructable )
- A container to put the molds in just in case the mold starts leaking while freezing
- Some items (cups, containers, wood blocks) to keep the mold upright while it freezes. 

STEP 3: Cut Plastic Sheet

Cut the following

two pieces of 2" by 25" (outer circumference )
two pieces of 2" by 16.6" (inner circumference )
two pieces of 10" by 10" (bottom panel )
two pieces of 1"x 2" (reinforcement)

STEP 4: Mold #1

Make a big cylinder and a small cylinder by taking 2 inch wide strip and taping the ends together (top picture). Make sure it's a good circle. Tape a piece of plastic on the connection to reinforce it if neccesary.

Glue the small cylinder on the base plate. Some tape will help to temporarily hold it in place. When glue has hardened, remove the tape and add glue to seal it all around.

Glue the big cylinder to the base plate. The bottom picture shows what it should look like. 

At this point it can be a good idea to test if the mold is water tight by pouring some water into it. 

STEP 5: Mold #2

The second mold is made just like the first one, except that you'll have to cut the base plate to be able to link it with the other one, and then mount the rings on it. I also cut a corner off the base plate so I could more easily move it. 

STEP 6: Fill Mold #1 With Water, Freeze

Test if your molds are water tight before putting them in the freezer. I used small empty cups and containers to support the molds so one would remain horizontal. Keep the molds in a container just in case the mold starts leaking during the freezing process. Tip: Fill and freeze in stages if you have the time. Water freezes on the top first and it expands. If you fill the whole thing at once the ice at the bottom will push up against ice on the surface which can give a very uneven surface.  

STEP 7: Rotate, Fill and Freeze Mold #2

Once mold #1 has frozen you rotate them in such a way that the empty one lies flat and the frozen one is it on its side.  Fill it with water and let it freeze. 

STEP 8: Take Off Mold Material

Once mold #2 is frozen, take off all the mold material. You will have to make a cut in the base plate of mold #1 to get it off. To re-use you can remove the glue residue and glue it back together.   

STEP 9: Tada, Put It Somewhere Nice


1. As mentioned already: clear ice looks better
2. Put the sculpture on black sandpaper or have some other solution against sliding. In the picture here it was on plexiglas and it was so slidy that the wind blew it off. 
3. Put a light underneath, that can really make it pop!


Now I know who my cat loses all her money to!! And this is a really cool INST!!

amazing crative...

Extremely clever - beautiful result. Much simpler than I would have thought.

Wow-za! What a super COLD idea! I'm going to do this, but can't leave it outside - California winters aren't quite right for that.

What a brilliant idea, this would even make an awesome centerpiece for a wedding reception, no? Imagine the things you could imbed in the rings!!

Brilliant idea SSorensen. You could embed the wedding rings in the ice rings.
I once attended a wedding where Steve Wozniak embedded the rings in the wedding cake. With a string attached to retrieve them at the optimum moment.
I'm thinking you could make these on a grand scale with some old tires and imagination.
Thanks landmanr for the great instructable.

Awesome, I know I will be building one soon...

Just in time for the winter games! For those more ambitious, add a few more and turn it into the Olympic rings!

An incredibly creative idea. Something that could even be turned into a part time business!

a similar item is unable to build even an Eskimo!

now to add an ardrino controlled lighting system to it. then u sync it to music.

This is amazing, I've never seen anything like it. :D