Catapult Game


Intro: Catapult Game

Catapult game utilizing Arduino, 3D printed parts, a force sensor and various other components.

STEP 1: Print Parts

3D print parts using filament of your choice. Infill at 15%. Assemble as shown.

STEP 2: Assemble

Assemble 3D printed parts with servo motors as shown.

STEP 3: Soldering and Wiring

Solder wire leads to solder points on pressure sensor. Solder additional wire to end of 5V wire if needed. Solder 10Kohnm resistor to the end of the ground wire, and solder another wire to the middle of the ground wire. Once done, wire the rest of the board as shown. 5V are used.

STEP 4: Final Assembly and Code

Assemble as shown. Copy/download code to Arduino and run. Potentiometers on main board adjust angle and power. Press button to start the game, time counts on the LCD screen. Hit the pressure sensor with a launched ball to end the game and see your final time. Enjoy!