Catch a Snow Flake and Keep It Forever


Intro: Catch a Snow Flake and Keep It Forever

In this instuctable I will tell you how to catch a snowflake and keep it forever.

This instructable is for the Snow challenge.
Please vote.

STEP 1: Gather Items

Items needed:

A Glass slide.
A Cover slip.
A Piece of cardboard.

STEP 2: Put Items in Freezer

Place the glass slide, clover slip, cardboard and tweezers in a freezer and wait for approx 1 hour.

STEP 3: Put Glue in Freezer

Put glue in freezer 10mins before taking out the slide, slip, cardboard and tweezers.

STEP 4: Catch Snowflakes on Cardboard

Once it starts to snow, take the glass slide, slip, cardboard, tweezers and glue from the freezer and head outside.

Stand in your doorway to protect everything from falling snow.

Head out with the cardboard and catch a few snowflakes. Get more than 5 so that you have room for error.

STEP 5: Put Snowflake on Slide

With the tweezers gently try to transfer a snowflake to the glass slide.

Put a small drop of glue into the middle of the snowflake.
Immediately place the cover slip on top of the snowflake pushing down very gently.
There should be a little gap between the slide and cover slip so as to not squash the snowflake.

STEP 6: Put Slide in the Freezer

Place the slide in the freezer for a minimum of 2 days.
The glue should dry around the snowflakes while they are still frozen.

STEP 7: Take Out

When 2 days have passed, it is safe to hold the snowflakes without having them melt.
The slide looks like this under a microsocpe.

This is my first ible any comments are welcome.


This is really awesome! I have a friend who has never seen snow and I'd love to give her her own snowflake. I'll try it out in Dec or Jan when it snows again. Great job on your first 'able! has high quality preserved snowflakes ready to ship.
really? advertising on his instructable? not 2 mention his 1st ! how about contributing 2 his post? offering tips, other methods etc like this app is for. My issue is not 1 post encouraged his post or the effort it took rather more look @ me and buy my stuff. stay on esty... hope your store is not flooded with fake orders and PayPal crashes karma catches up!
Here is my website for preserved snowflakes.
Hello would you do one for me to give as a present to my partner please ?
Can I buy snowflakes from you?
I wonder if this is how Leonard got that snowflake he gave Penny. Very cool. How did you make the microscope photo?
What, pray tell, is a cover slip???
Its the thin cover that comes with the slide to protect what is on it.
Wouldn't it just be easier on yourself & the snowflakes, if you caught them on the glass & applied the glue then?
A few tips.
Chill everything overnight instead of just 10 minutes. Try to remember to tap the slide while it has the glue on it because it looks like you have some air bubbles in the glue and it kind of ruins the effect. And use superglue. You need to experiment to find the best one but superglue will work as long as you chill it enough.
What is this glue like? Thin, thick gloopy or runny?

I've seen this method described elsewhere a few years ago, the author used superglue (cyanoacrylate) that they kept in the freezer permanently for this purpose.

When I tried using superglue it was too runny and flowed off the slide. It's left me wondering if the Gel-Superglue might be a better option if it's more like the glue you are using.

I'm keen to get Superglue working for this because its reaction with water triggers the rapid setting, so contact with a snowflake will be the perfect way to preserve the structure and details.

Would be interested to know what results other people have with different glues
I remember one student teacher I had back in elementary school showed us how to do this. I thought it was so neat! This is a great instructable! You get my vote for the snow contest!
Good Job!
How about using circuit chiller to chill your slides? There is also a product
called Dust Off at office supply stores that's used to blow dust out of office equipment. If you use Dust Off you will have to invert the can to get it to work.
Just spray the side opposite the one you will catch your snowflake on. In
either case don't spray it on your bare skin. It can freeze of your skin.
Be careful with dry ice in an a closed enviroment. As it evaporates it releases
carbon dioxide.
Awesome! Unfortunately, I am another whom lives in a tropical climate and does not get any snow... I would pay for one of these as well... Or maybe I could get one of my design/diy savvy friends up north to do it for me... BTW, Awesome pic! Maurice Moss rocks!
I am a hobbist photographer & have always wanted to photograph snowflakes but have had no luck. Your awesome method might be the answer to my quandry. Thanks so much for sharing!
I don't know if this would work or not, but it's worth a try. How about using black construction paper left out in the cold or stored in a freezer until a snowstorm comes? if the paper is cold enough, the snow shouldn't melt while you take your pictures.
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