Introduction: Celebrate Your Love...

About: I'm all about Making and Mental Health. Reach out if you need a chat .
...any excuse for an explosion!

Step 1: A Little Delicate Work.

Take a decent-sized tin with a fairly snug lid.

Use a hammer and a nail to punch a hole in the middle of the lid and the bottom of the tin. Use the same hammer to flatten the sharp bits (health and safety, don'tcha know).

Step 2: Just Do It!

Use a handy (unlit) bunsen as a delivery tube to give a good dose of methane to the tin (about 20 seconds).

Stand the tin on something that lets air get to the hole underneath (if you don't have a tripod in your laboratory, or you don't have a laboratory of your own, use two bricks side-by-side with a gap between).

Wave a lighter over the top hole. The gas will light.

Watch the flame. As long as you can see the flame, it will just burn like a lamp. Eventually, though, the flame will turn blue, shrink, and disappear down into the tin.

At that point... >>>BANG!<<<