Introduction: Charge Your Phone From Wind
Wind turbine phone charger
What if you could use this abundant source of energy? The wind. This free and pleasant breeze of air can be easily harnessed to charge your electronic gadgets while camping or even at your home garden.
Here is how to make an easy wind turbine phone charger using off the shelf parts(most of them are recycled).
Let's get started.
Here is my Channel on Youtube:
Step 1: Parts
- Wind turbine
I made this one myself earlier. You can check it out here to see how to make it or buy yourself a ready made one.
Amazon , Amazon UK , Amazon DE , Amazon FR , Amazon ES , Amazon IT , eBay
- Car phone charger
This is the one used to charge your phone from the car lighter plug. This charger takes 12 Volts from the car battery and regulates them into 5 Vdc with USB output for phones and gadgets.
Amazon , Amazon UK , Amazon DE , Amazon FR , Amazon ES , Amazon IT , eBay
- USB Phone Cable
The cable used to charge the phone from USB ports (it’s a standard USB cable charger port but you can use whatever your phone cable is)
Amazon , Amazon UK , Amazon DE , Amazon FR , Amazon ES , Amazon IT , eBay
- Crocodile clips
Those are clips with crocodile like jaws used for connecting wires and components together.
Amazon , Amazon UK , Amazon DE , Amazon FR , Amazon ES , Amazon IT , eBay
- Wires
Step 2: Prepare the Charger
To get connections of the car phone charger I opened its case.
The center connection is the positive terminal and the side connection is the negative one.
Connect the charger I connected wires to the wind turbine and then used crocodile clips to connect them to the car phone charger.