Cheap Cooling System


Intro: Cheap Cooling System

This instructable will show you how to make cheap cooling system.

STEP 1: Parts You Will Be Needing.

The parts you will be needing are:Tape
DC 1,5 V motor
That all.

STEP 2: Attach the Wires to the Motor,and Attach Propeller to Motor.

Just attach wires to motor and tape it with tape.Just attach propeller to engines pipe, it should look like this.

STEP 3: Finish!!!

Just put the batteries an enjoy.


How about adding a container of water and putting pipes through that so that it actualy COOLS you instead of pushing air, evaporative cooling my friend... If you don't upgrade this instructable its just going to stay as "How to make a fan"
How wold you go about configuring it? I am interested thanks
You just need moving air over some water, the high energy particles are removed leaving the solution with the lower (kinetic) energy particles therefore cooling the solution. You then need some airflow through some pipes that travel through the cold solution to lose energy and cool the air. A quick example of evapourative cooling; get a skin safe solvent such as water or ethanol. put a drop on the back of you're hand and make sure it is spread thin, then blow on it. Record observations and inferences...
what the heck..........
Why not just hookup an old computer fan to a 9v ????
Your pictures aren't plain; this is neat, but nothing beats the breezes from sitting under a large tree. LOL
you must have wrote that in 10 minuets
i did it too, and i used the parts from a minifan, oh wait...
For a lot less effort you can spend a dollar at the dollar stores and get one already built. Sometimes with fancy LEDs on the propeller. Other times they come with a spray bottle for evaporative cooling. Propeller is soft enough a baby could grab it and not get hurt.
how is it that everything so simple is the neatest?anyway I like it!!
I was thinking this was going to be a little more complicated of a instructable. I have an old dehumidifier that I might use for cooling my room this summer.
Lay off, i think its cool.
What a waste of time, energy and bandwidth!!
Sux, Fans can suck cooler air in or blow hotter air out but a fan actually heats air a little because it causes more friction. (That was just a random fact)
Is this for cooling a computer or something??
The style of this is more "what I did" and less "how I did it". What this really lacks is "why". What are you cooling with this, where did you get your bits etc? L