Chia Rug Attack


Intro: Chia Rug Attack

A sneaky attack that does not require breaking into the victim's room. This works especially well if someone is away from their carpeted room for a few days.

STEP 1: Tools

All that is required is:

1. A packet of watercress seeds (or similar, fast growing herb)

2. Water in a squeeze bottle.

3. A sheet of paper.

STEP 2: Seed

Watercress will grow just about anywhere, as long as it's moist.

To seed the carpet:

1. Pour the seeds onto a sheet of paper at the base of the door.

2. Slide the paper under the door.

3. Holding the edges of the paper, blow (or shake) the seeds off the sheet.

4. Remove the paper.

STEP 3: Moisten

Squeeze water under the door to moisten the carpet under the seeds.

STEP 4: Repeat Daily

Moisten the carpet again each day until your victim returns.

After just a few days, they will have a lovely Chia rug.


Interesting idea- but strikes me as mean-spirited. Any experience with it? Did it damage the rug?
Thought I might help out, to quote the author - 'Did it years ago in university. Worked great. No pictures unfortunately. The carpet was very durable - no damage done.' I hope this helped :).
Can you do this with other seeds like grass seeds?
I did this once to a friend except I did it on his floor mat in the back seat of his car. I used regular "wild Bird seed" it was great!
Is This Just An Idea Or Did You Test It?
Did it years ago in university. Worked great. No pictures unfortunately. The carpet was very durable - no damage done.
Three words...... I haven't thought of them yet but nice instructable!
Hahahaha, funny idea! Nice job, but do you have an image as the result?