Introduction: Choosing, Editing, and Mindset.

For this Walk through you will need to choose a picture that you would like to edit, you need to have photopea open in order to edit this picture and creativity.

Step 1: Picking Your Picture

For your first step you need to pick a photo to edit, it can be anything on the internet. Here i choose to do the stature of liberty because its a worldwide symbol of freedom.

Step 2: Making Changes

On this step, it is up to you what you would like to do with your picture. I've decided to make her look like a drawing by changing the threshold levels. Ill guide you through doing that, you select the object, then images, then adjustments, then threshold, i put my levels to around 83.

Step 3: Changing Filter

I changed my background filter to oiled paint to make the sunset unique and more like a drawing / painting which was the goal.

Step 4: Changing Brightness / Darkness and or Background

In this situation you don't have to change the brightness, darkness, or the background. But i felt like i wanted to change all of those to really make my main drawing pop. I used the burn tool to make the clouds a little darker around the statue the focus, then i used the oil paint filter to make the sunset look like paint.

Step 5: Finishing Up

Usually to end my photopea design, i make sure everything is correct according to my rubric, then correct things if needed. i also add any finishing touches to make the design better and make it pop. This is my finished product.

Step 6: Done

The End.