Christmas Tree Light!


Intro: Christmas Tree Light!

I wanted to make something in the holiday spirit that I could give to my family and friends! This project is easy to make and only costs about 8$ in total, including the filament. I hope you have fun making this and leave a comment if you have suggestions for improvement!

STEP 1: 3D Print the Parts

The first step is to print the parts! You need:

  • 1x Christmas tree
  • 1x Base
  • 2x Star

The base and the star you can print pretty straightforwardly without any special settings. For the Christmas tree however, you need to print in "Spiralize" also known as "Vase mode". Add a 5mm brim for better adhesion as well.

STEP 2: Preparing the Base

The base hole diameter is exactly 26.40mm and is made so that you can simply screw the bulb socket into place until it is firmly seated. There is a small square slit for the cable, place the cable in the slot.

STEP 3: Screw in the Light Bulb

STEP 4: Place the Tree on the Base

STEP 5: Mount the Star

STEP 6: And You’re Done!

Enjoy your homemade Christmas decoration! I hope you enjoyed this instructable, and have fun making your own! Thanks to Brithawkes for the tree model!


That's neat! What program did you use to design that tree?