Introduction: Clay Earrings

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Step 1: What You Will Need

This is everything you need:
Earring hoops
I pins
Two colours of clay
The things I forgot to show in the pictures were:
Thin pen, pencil or paint brush

Step 2: Roll Out Clay

first you need to get two colours of clay and roll them into thin snakes.

Step 3: Cut Them

Now you will need to cut them in half so you have four pieces of clay

Step 4: Twist Together

Next you need to twist them together

Step 5: Roll More

Now you can roll them tighter together so you have more twists

Step 6: Twist Around

Now you need to get something thin like a pencil or a paint brush and you need to rap your clay around so you can make it curly.

Step 7: Curl

This is what it should look like when you curl it on the pencil or brush.

Step 8: I Pins

Now we put the eye pins in the top of the clay charm and then you can bake your clay according to the baking times on you clay packet.

Step 9: After Baking

Now toy have baked them they will look darker and then you will need pliers to open the bottoms of the earring hoops, then you need to loom them though they're pin on the charms and then close it back up.

Step 10: Finished

Now you have finished and your earrings are ready to wear hope you like these and hope you enjoy making them