Clay Mask Making


Intro: Clay Mask Making

We are making a tribal mask using clay.

STEP 1: Outline

draw an outline of the mask shape with all its features on a piece of paper.

STEP 2: Mould

Roll up old newspaper in the shape of a mask to be used as a mould.

STEP 3: Shape of the Mask

Select a large portion of the clay and roll it into a ball. then use a household roller pin to flatten it to the shape you want. Make sure the layer of clay is about 5 mm thickness

STEP 4: Cover the Mould

cover the newspaper mould with the sheet of clay.

STEP 5: Features

fashion shapes out of clay for the eye brows, eyes, nose and mouth and ears.

STEP 6: Add the Facial Features

fix the facial features on the basic mask created in Step-4 and smoothen the surfaces with a sponge

STEP 7: Last Step

fix the clay to a wooden plate and then nail it to the wall !!!
