Cleaning Copper With Saltwater and Vinegar


Intro: Cleaning Copper With Saltwater and Vinegar

Easy DIY
* Warm Water
* Table Salt
* Vinegar (Any kind should do)

After copper is cleaned wash off with water to remove vinegar.

Also to give copper a patina. Brush new/ clean copper with steel wool then use a cheap hand pump sprayer to cover the copper.


thanks so much for posting this it worked like a dream on my copper pieces after just soaking for a minute, rinsing off in soapy water and drying to a polished sheen with a cloth!

I am going to try and make this to clean copper piping. Do you happen to have a ratio suggestion for each ingredient before I start experimenting? thanks.

I recently removed parkerizing from an old shotgun (steel) using Distilled Vinegar. I just left the main parts soak overnight, dumped the smelly vinegar, gave them a soak in water to remove the vinegar, and then promptly moved the pieces into a pre-heated oven (250 degrees) to dry before rust had time to settle.