Cluck 'n' Comfort Chicken Pot Pie


Intro: Cluck 'n' Comfort Chicken Pot Pie

Indulge your taste buds for a culinary journey to comfort with my irresistible Cluck 'n' Comfort Chicken Pot Pie recipe. Packed with tender chicken, and hearty vegetables, and enveloped in a buttery golden crust, this dish is the epitome of cozy home-cooked goodness. Get ready to savor every bite of this timeless classic that promises to warm your soul and leave you craving for more. Let's dive into the ultimate comfort food experience!

STEP 1: Instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. In a large pot, melt the butter with olive oil over medium heat.
  3. Add chopped onions and freeze-dried garlic to the skillet. Sauté until the onions become translucent and fragrant.
  4. Add the chopped chicken thighs to the skillet. Cook until the chicken is no longer pink and starts to brown slightly.
  5. Stir in the mixed frozen carrots and peas, as well as the diced mushrooms. Cook for an additional 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. In a separate bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and chicken broth until well combined. Pour this mixture into the skillet, stirring continuously.
  7. Add the evaporated milk and cream of mushroom soup to the skillet. Stir until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  8. Season the filling with sea salt, black pepper, and Knorr Seasoning according to your taste preferences. Allow the filling to simmer for about 5 minutes, until it thickens slightly.
  9. Roll out the thawed pie crust and line a 10-inch pie aluminum pie tray and poke with a fork to make steam holes. Trim any excess dough hanging over the edges.
  10. Blind bake the pie crust for about 10 minutes and pour the chicken and vegetable filling into the prepared pie crust, spreading it out evenly.
  11. Cover the filling with another layer of pie crust. Trim and crimp the edges to seal the pie. With a pair of scissors, cut a leaf shape from the leftover rolled pie crust and press the middle and sides with a butter knife, creating a leaf design.
  12. Place your design leaves on top of the pie crust and brush the top crust with the beaten egg to create a golden finish.
  13. Cut a few slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape during baking.
  14. Place the pie on a baking sheet to catch any drips, then bake in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling.

STEP 2: Enjoy a "pie"ce of Heaven

Once baked, remove the chicken pot pie from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before serving.

I cut a piece of pie just 5 minutes after removing it from the oven and the filling was still oozing out. I let the other pie rest for about 4 hours and warmed it in the oven for 10 minutes and it came out just right! Super filling and I promise, a warm and hearty meal. Great to pair with Chardonnay, Champagne, Pinot Noir, or Sauvignon Blanc. But for those who are not a wine drinker like myself and my wife, we will have lemon-iced tea to go with it.

Enjoy =)